As the weather heats up this summer, law students from across Ohio are helping legal service organizations tackle legal challenges for Ohioans struggling to make ends meet.

In an effort to support diversity in the legal profession, the Foundation launched the Justice for All Summer Clerkship Program for first- and second-year law students of color. Justice for All Summer Clerks gain valuable hands-on legal experience while helping low-income and underserved Ohioans by clerking at civil legal aid organizations.

“One of the main takeaways I want to achieve from this summer is improving my legal writing and research skills,” said Matt Kline, Justice for All Summer Clerk with Southeastern Ohio Legal Services. “Working with legal aid is helping me achieve both.”

The Foundation launched the program in collaboration with the Ohio State Bar Association, Ohio’s metro bar associations, and Ohio’s legal aid organizations. In this, its pilot year, the Foundation is funding ten Justice for All Summer Clerks, one from every Ohio law school and one from Northern Kentucky University.

“Pairing outstanding law students with legal services organizations is a win-win,” said Angie Lloyd, the Foundation’s executive director. “It is our hope that this opportunity will serve as a jumping off point for these future lawyers to be able to pursue a career in public interest law.”

Justice for All Summer Clerks will be featured on the Foundation’s social media throughout the summer. Stay tuned to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for more.