Domestic Violence Advocate. Administrative Assistant. Benefits Counselor. Paralegal. Project Coordinator. In her long and impressive career with Advocates for Basic Legal Equality (ABLE) and Legal Aid of Western Ohio (LAWO), Mercedes Thompson has worn many hats. No matter her role, Mercedes takes initiative and leads, inspiring her co-workers with her enthusiasm, empathy, and can-do spirit.
A compassionate and understanding advocate for domestic violence survivors, Mercedes recently led a project to secure funding through the Department of Justice Services to End Violence Against Women with Disabilities Grant Program. The project will aid domestic violence survivors with disabilities and is on track thanks to Mercedes’ dedicated and detailed project management.
Mercedes is also a compassionate advocate for communities of marginalized identities, including BIPOC people, LGBTQI people, immigrants, and women. She has been a major voice in the stride for racial equity within ABLE & LAWO as a member of the Diversity Committee. The Foundation is pleased to recognize outstanding advocate Mercedes Thompson.