Thanks to support from the Ohio Legislature General Revenue Fund appropriation and the Supreme Court of Ohio’s Attorney Services Fund, the Foundation launched a new grant program earlier this year to help serve veterans. The grant program increased the dollars available to serve veterans to $500,000, funding that Ohio’s legal aids have used to dedicate additional attorneys to serve our nation’s heroes.

John Roszczyk, a staff attorney at Community Legal Aid, is one of the professionals hired to serve veterans. Roszczyk, who began his career in private practice, has always felt drawn to mission-driven work. When he saw an opening for his position at Community Legal Aid, he knew it was the perfect fit despite having never worked with veterans before.

“This role felt like a full-circle moment for me,” Roszczyk said. “Ever since law school, I’ve wanted to contribute to public service, and now I have the opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of those who have served our country.”

Roszczyk assists veterans in various legal areas, with a particular focus on housing, a critical issue that often intersects with other areas of law.

“Housing is foundational for veterans,” Roszczyk explained. “When a veteran faces housing instability, it often impacts other aspects of their life, like access to healthcare, employment, or even their ability to get benefits. Ensuring stable housing gives them a base to address other challenges.”

While Community Legal Aid provides essential legal services, veterans also need assistance with non-legal matters, including social services and mental health support. To address these needs, Community Legal Aid works closely with community stakeholders such as veterans treatment courts and the Veterans Service Commission. Community Legal Aid also participates in the Summit County Stand Down, an annual event providing community-based programming to help homeless veterans prepare for the winter months.

“It’s heartwarming to see the community come together to support our veterans,” Roszczyk said. “It’s not just about providing services; it’s about showing our veterans that they are valued and that their sacrifices are not forgotten.”

The Ohio Access to Justice Foundation is the largest funder of civil legal services in Ohio. A gift to the Foundation supports Ohio’s veterans.