Ohio Chief Justice Eric Brown joined current and past OLAF board members, leaders from the legal aid delivery system, and many friends to celebrate and honor Bob Clyde, who recently retired as the founding and long-time executive director of OLAF. The event followed the board’s quarterly meeting and was held in the Native American Lobby of the Ohio Justice Center.
Chief Justice Brown offered the following remarks, which represent well the sentiment of all in attendance last night.
“Occasions such as the one this evening are a time for finding new ways not to use the word retirement, to find euphemisms as it were – like ‘entering a new chapter in your life.’
Bob, euphemisms do not do you justice. None of us here can settle for politically correct catch phrases when it comes to describing your contributions.
Your work is far too important, far too critical to the legal profession and the courts.
You have spent your professional career helping people to achieve justice.
Think of that. Think of what that means.
Helping people to achieve justice.
Through your leadership and vision you have helped thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of people in their search for a fair and honorable society.
No matter a person’s race, no matter their income you have given that person access to the legal system.
You have achieved what so many of us spend a life time trying to achieve: you have made a difference.
You have helped the people of Ohio to enjoy the spirit of our founding fathers who sought ‘justice for all.'”