
Families “Get on the Bus” to Solve Legal Challenges: OhioKAN Partnership

The results are in from the new partnership between the Ohio Justice Bus and Ohio Kinship and Adoption Navigator (OhioKAN). The organizations teamed up this summer to help families with legal issues related to kinship care and adoption, traveling the state to host legal clinics in 21 Ohio counties. The first-ever collaboration concluded with encouraging [...]

2022-08-09T12:34:15-05:00August 8th, 2022|

Mary Asbury: Legal Aid Change Agent

When Mary Asbury became the Executive Director of the Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati in 1988, she considered herself fortunate to take over an organization that already had an established strategic planning process. Every four years, Legal Aid reaches out to community members to determine the most critical legal needs, a process that has [...]

2023-03-07T11:17:04-05:00August 8th, 2022|

Foundation hosts Diversity Summer Clerkship Panel

For law students just starting their legal career, a clerkship funded by the Ohio Access to Justice Foundation offers professional experience, networking opportunities, and personal growth. This June, to help law students get the most out of their clerkship, the Foundation teamed up with Barnes & Thornburg to host a Diversity Summer Clerkship Panel. Justice [...]

2022-07-12T08:46:57-05:00July 8th, 2022|

The Ohio Justice Bus Hits the Road with OhioKAN

On an unseasonably cool June day, the Ohio Justice Bus pulled into the parking lot of the Jackson, Ohio, public library, staffed with attorneys and team members from Ohio Kinship and Adoption Navigator (OhioKAN) ready to help families struggling with legal issues related to kinship care and adoption.

2022-07-12T08:47:25-05:00July 8th, 2022|

Foundation Board President Jennifer Day Takes the Lead

Ohio Access to Justice Foundation Board President Jennifer Day has had several big jobs in government, but two stand out as preparation for her role on the Foundation’s Board of Directors. When she was Chief Assistant Prosecutor for the Family Law Division in the Hamilton County Prosecutor’s Office, and Chief of the Crime Victims Division at the Ohio Attorney General’s Office, it opened her eyes to how difficult it can be for Ohioans to access legal services and representation.

2022-07-12T08:47:47-05:00July 8th, 2022|

Ohio Access to Justice Foundation hiring Executive Assistant

The Ohio Access to Justice Foundation has an opening for an Executive Assistant. Position Overview Job Title: Executive Assistant Status: Full-Time, Exempt Position Salary: Competitive salary commensurate with experience starting at $58,000 and a generous benefits package. To Apply Interested candidates should submit a resume and a cover letter explaining in detail their interest in [...]

2022-04-07T15:32:00-05:00April 5th, 2022|

Justice for All Fellow Victoria Hamilton Establishes Clinic for Asylum-Seekers

As an undergraduate at Case Western Reserve University, first-year Ohio Access to Justice Foundation Justice for All Fellow Victoria Hamilton interned for the InterReligious Task Force on Central America, a Cleveland-based nonprofit organization that works on education and advocacy around justice issues in Central America. “I was really drawn to the global perspective and the [...]

2023-08-23T15:47:53-05:00January 19th, 2022|

Justice for All Fellow Rachel Barr Advocates for Children with Special Needs

Since beginning her fellowship at the Legal Aid Society of Greater Cincinnati last September, second-year Ohio Access to Justice Foundation Justice for All Fellow Rachel Barr has helped dozens of families get the legal help they need to improve life for their children. Barr’s fellowship supports Child HeLP, a medical-legal partnership between Cincinnati Children’s Hospital [...]

2023-08-23T15:51:41-05:00January 12th, 2022|

Legal Aid Lawyer Profile: Katie Kersh, Advocates for Basic Legal Equality

At Advocates for Basic Legal Equality (ABLE), Katie Kersh is a senior attorney and project director. A critical member of the Agricultural Worker and Immigrant Rights Practice Group, Kersh represents immigrants in federal court and class action lawsuits and advises on legal matters related to immigration, including U Visa applications, asylum, naturalization, and inadmissibility waivers. [...]

2021-09-30T13:23:48-05:00September 30th, 2021|