
Justice for All Fellows Share Projects with Foundation Board

For recent law school graduates passionate about public service, the Ohio Access to Justice Foundation’s Justice for All Fellowship offers an exciting opportunity to develop and implement civil legal service projects that can change lives. Since 1994, the Foundation has funded two-year fellowships for attorneys seeking to make a difference in Ohio’s civil justice system [...]

2023-08-23T15:45:12-05:00July 10th, 2023|

Toledo Bar Association’s Divorce Clinic Sees Pro Se Litigants Through to Life-Changing Results

An innovative divorce clinic at the Toledo Bar Association (TBA) brings together volunteer attorneys, paralegals, law students, and TBA staff to help hundreds of low-income Lucas County residents file for divorce. The Pro Se Divorce Clinic, established in 1994 and the first of its kind in the state of Ohio, operates through a do-it-yourself, classroom-style [...]

2023-07-12T08:30:25-05:00July 10th, 2023|

Justice for All Summer Clerkship Program Prepares Law Students of Color for Legal Careers

When the Ohio Access to Justice Foundation surveyed law students of color, legal aid attorneys, and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) leaders at bar associations and law schools about what makes a successful summer clerkship program, the consensus was clear: a supportive working environment is crucial to a program’s success. But what does a supportive [...]

2023-06-13T15:34:52-05:00June 13th, 2023|

Foundation DEI Committee Recommendations Underway

Since the inaugural meeting of the Ohio Access to Justice Foundation’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee one year ago, the group has been hard at work leveraging resources and convening stakeholders to identify opportunities to improve DEI in Ohio’s civil justice system. With the help of Equius Group, a Cleveland-based consulting firm, and data [...]

2023-06-13T15:35:32-05:00June 12th, 2023|

Pro Bono Attorneys Step Up to Serve Afghan Evacuees

A year into the Foundation’s grant program that provides funding for the immigration legal needs of Afghan evacuees across the state, Ohio nonprofits have exceeded expectations. The Foundation’s grantees have helped over 2,300 Afghans seeking safety and stability, a higher number than initially anticipated. In partnership with the Ohio State Bar Association, the Foundation recently [...]

2023-06-13T15:35:55-05:00June 12th, 2023|

Susan Choe Leads Ohio Legal Help to Success

When Susan Choe was the director of the Student Housing Legal Clinic at The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law, she would send her law students down to observe the eviction docket in Franklin County. For students just starting their legal careers, the visit provided an eye-opening look at the housing challenges experienced by [...]

2023-06-12T15:07:32-05:00June 12th, 2023|

Pro Bono Challenge Winner Has Big Dreams and Plans

The Ohio Access to Justice Foundation’s New Admittee Pro Bono Challenge came at a perfect time for attorney Elizabeth Haavisto. A recent University of Akron School of Law graduate, Haavisto had a three-month break between passing the bar and starting her new position as a legal fellow at Goodyear. Rather than kick back and enjoy [...]

2023-05-10T09:24:51-05:00May 10th, 2023|

Ibrahima Sow Champions Rights for African Immigrants

Ibrahima Sow is a servant-leader and an advocate passionate about creating opportunities to improve equity among marginalized groups. As a network director with United Way of Central Ohio’s Success by Third Grade movement, he collaborates with regional school districts and community partners to eliminate barriers to learning and implement systems-level change, ensuring that every child [...]

2024-02-12T16:13:32-05:00May 10th, 2023|