
Paula Boggs Muething Takes the Reins

Paula Boggs Muething begins her term as board president of the Ohio Access to Justice Foundation with years of leadership under her belt. As chief legal and administrative officer for FC Cincinnati and previously as city manager for the City of Cincinnati, Boggs Muething is accustomed to leading teams tackling complex problems. Thus, it’s fitting [...]

2023-09-12T07:35:05-05:00September 12th, 2023|

Advocates for Basic Legal Equality Supports Ohio’s Agricultural Workers

Ohio’s agricultural economy benefits from the thousands of workers who help plant, cultivate, process, and harvest the state’s food. Foundation grantee Advocates for Basic Legal Equality (ABLE) has served agricultural workers in Ohio for 45 years, helping to ensure the workers receive fair payment for their labor and have access to decent and sanitary working [...]

2023-09-12T07:33:12-05:00September 12th, 2023|

Foundation Welcomes New Board Members and Officers

The Ohio Access to Justice Foundation Board of Directors will welcome new officers at its September meeting. Paula Boggs Muething, chief legal and administrative officer, FC Cincinnati, assumes the role of president. Mary Amos Augsburger, executive director, Ohio State Bar Association, is vice president. Hon. Howard H. Harcha III, Scioto County Court of Common Pleas, [...]

2023-09-12T12:43:23-05:00September 11th, 2023|

Community Shares of Mid-Ohio Charitable Campaigns

The Ohio Access to Justice Foundation is a proud member of Community Shares of Mid Ohio, an organization with a mission to build mutually beneficial relationships and secure resources to empower member nonprofits in Central Ohio, fostering a more just, caring, and healthy community for all. As a Community Shares member, the Foundation participates in [...]

2023-08-28T13:47:56-05:00August 28th, 2023|

Foundation Grantee Ohio Legal Help Launches Virtual Self-Help Center

Ohio Access to Justice Foundation grantee Ohio Legal Help uses technology to help Ohioans access civil legal information to resolve civil legal issues. The nonprofit’s latest project, a new Virtual Self-Help Center with the Montgomery County Domestic Relations Court, is the first in Ohio and an innovative example of how technology can aid self-represented litigants [...]

2023-08-07T15:22:53-05:00August 7th, 2023|

Neighborhood Stabilization Grant Program Transforms Communities through CED

Funding awards in matching grants to three Ohio legal aid organizations totaling $417,400 are the latest dollars invested by the Ohio Access to Justice Foundation in its Neighborhood Stabilization Grant Program, an innovative program that funds Ohio’s legal aids to lead community economic development (CED) projects throughout the state. “This funding allows our grantees to [...]

2023-08-08T11:52:13-05:00August 7th, 2023|

Janet Green Marbley Realizes Childhood Dream Through a Career of Advocacy

As the Administrator and Counsel for the Supreme Court of Ohio Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection, Janet Green Marbley is an advocate and attorney for client rights and protections against unfair treatment. A former member of the Ohio Access to Justice Foundation’s Board of Directors and a current member of the Foundation’s Diversity, Equity, and [...]

2024-02-12T16:12:12-05:00August 7th, 2023|

Pro Bono Survey Results: Jones Day Contributes Highest Number of Hours

Ohio attorneys are a generous bunch, each year contributing thousands of hours of pro bono service and substantial financial contributions to charitable legal organizations, all in the name of helping low-income Ohioans gain access to legal services. The 2022 results from the Ohio Access to Justice Foundation and Supreme Court of Ohio’s annual Voluntary Pro [...]

2023-08-08T10:34:02-05:00August 7th, 2023|

Ohio Access to Justice Foundation Awards $417,400 in Matching Grants for Community Economic Development

The Ohio Access to Justice Foundation, the largest funder of civil legal services in Ohio, has announced funding awards to three Ohio legal aid organizations totaling $417,400. The awards, a matching grant opportunity open to legal aid organizations participating in the Foundation’s Neighborhood Stabilization Grant Program, support legal work for community economic development (CED) projects [...]

2023-08-08T11:51:29-05:00August 7th, 2023|