As we all work together to overcome the coronavirus (COVID-19) health crisis, we want to take a moment and thank all of the heroes in our communities who keep us going – from the dads and moms teaching children at home, the healthcare professionals, the grocery store clerks, the truck drivers, the restaurant workers and delivery people, to our state government leaders who are navigating us through this crisis.
Here at the Foundation, we also want to recognize all of the legal heroes who continue to serve and represent low-income and underserved Ohioans during this time. These exemplary legal professionals make certain that Ohioans are able to weather this storm without being evicted from their home or apartment; without having to remain with an abusive spouse; and with the information necessary to get the healthcare or benefits that they need to keep themselves, their families and all of us safe from additional community spread.
Thank you to our judges, our court staff, and our attorneys, legal aids, public defenders and the private bar for ensuring that Ohioans have both legal and public health.