The Board of Trustees of the Ohio Legal Assistance Foundation (“OLAF”) selected Angela Lloyd as the new Executive Director. She began work officially on January 3, 2011. Ms. Lloyd will be responsible for leading the Foundation, which is the primary funder of civil legal services for low-income persons throughout Ohio.

“We are convinced that Ms. Lloyd is the right person to lead OLAF and the legal services delivery system into the future,” said Julie Davis, OLAF Board President and Executive Vice President & General Counsel for Retail Ventures, Inc. Ms. Davis noted that after an extensive national search, interviews with 5 final candidates, and comprehensive background checks, the OLAF board unanimously voted to select Ms. Lloyd as its next executive director.

“Ms. Lloyd;s references from her time at Covenant House and at OSU Law School were uniformly outstanding, confirming her potential to provide OLAF with visionary leadership, to build relationships with the many stakeholder groups with which OLAF interacts, and to manage the organization effectively,” noted Ms. Davis. “Angie has a demonstrated passion for serving the legal needs of underserved populations and has a track record of organizational leadership and consensus-building in support of policies and programs,” added Ms. Davis.