The following is a statement from Ohio State Bar Association President Carmen V. Roberto, Ohio honorary chair of the National Pro Bono Celebration.
Ohio lawyers understand the importance of giving back and providing their legal talents on a pro bono basis to citizens in need and to community organizations. The Supreme Court of Ohio strongly encourages each Ohio lawyer to ensure access to justice for all Ohioans by participating in pro bono activities. In fact, the following is one of the Court’s aspirational goals for attorneys to attain. “To help provide the pro bono representation that is necessary to make our system of justice available to all, and to support organizations that provide pro bono representation to indigent clients.”
Ohio lawyers have an outstanding record of pro bono service, and there is always more that can be done. The week of Oct. 24-30, 2010, has been designated as the second National Pro Bono Celebration. During this week, the lawyers of Ohio pledge to continue their commitment to provide free legal services for many who cannot otherwise afford them.
The lawyers of Ohio answer the call every day to help those in need of legal assistance. In addition to serving those who pay for legal advice or representation, Ohio lawyers provide literally thousands of hours of free legal services and make significant financial contributions to organizations that provide legal services to persons of limited means.
What does this mean for the citizens of Ohio? Here are some examples.
- A widow and head of a household of three fell behind on mortgage payments following the death of her husband. A pro bono lawyer recruited by Community Legal Aid Services in Akron represented the widow in a foreclosure mediation and negotiated a loan modification which reduced her mortgage payments by $800 a month. The foreclosure case was dismissed, and the family’s home was saved.
- A woman with limited proficiency in English, a head of household supporting her elderly parents, was persuaded to enter into a land contract to buy a home on Cleveland’s west side. After making payments for 18 months she missed a payment and was served with an eviction notice. Her pro bono attorney discovered the land contract had never been recorded, and the seller did not actually own the property. The pro bono lawyer recovered $30,000 in payments the client had made, plus treble damages and attorneys’ fees. The cash recovery allowed the client to purchase another home for her family.
- With the support of judges and local legal aid lawyers, an attorney established a free evening legal advice clinic in the Perry County Courthouse. “You know that the system is working when people tell you of their success as a result of free legal aid,” said the attorney. “This is part of the fulfillment of being an attorney.”
There are countless more stories like these where Ohio attorneys give of their time, talent and treasure to assist individuals and organizations with their legal needs. Can Ohio lawyers provide free legal services for everyone? Obviously not. Can, and do, they make a difference in the lives of many Ohioans in need? Absolutely.
It was the late Robert F. Kennedy who said:
It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.
To mark the National Pro Bono Celebration, the lawyers of Ohio are participating in client-centered events including legal clinics to serve low income Ohioans all across the state. During this National Pro Bono Celebration, we recognize those Ohio lawyers who are already providing pro bono legal services. We also take the opportunity to encourage more lawyers to get involved in pro bono activities. Lawyers interested in pitching in are urged to contact the OSBA, their local bar association or their local legal aid society. The need continues to grow and the lawyers of Ohio continue to answer the call.
For more information about Pro Bono week celebrations:
* Visit;
* Click here for all of this week’s scheduled events; and
* View an exclusive interview with Roberto on the OSBA’s YouTube Channel.