The first Benson Wolman Award will be presented to Julie Davis, Executive Vice President & General Counsel, Retail Ventures, Inc., and President of the Board of the Ohio Legal Assistance Foundation. The award to be presented May 26 at the 2010 A Taste of Justice was created in tribute to the late Benson Wolman, champion of the downtrodden, well-known storyteller and the pen behind hundreds of restaurant reviews.

Nationally recognized for his knowledge of constitutional law, civil rights and legal representation of the poor, Wolman led a diverse legal career over two decades. Before practicing law, he served 17 years as executive director of the Columbus branch of the American Civil Liberties Union.

In 2005, Benson Wolman was appointed as Chief Executive and General Counsel of the Equal Justice Foundation. It was there that all of his passions converged in one practice: his love of the law, civil rights, the first amendment, cuisine, fine wine, public speaking, media interviews, diet Dr. Pepper, his sense of fairness, and his compassion for the downtrodden.

The inaugural event benefits the Equal Justice Foundation, a non-profit organization whose mission is representation of individuals and groups in cases raising issues of statewide significance, addressing problems affecting low-income Ohioans.

For information on A Taste of Justice, call Judy Goldstein, 614/221.9800 or email [email protected]. Tickets may be purchased online at

Re-printed from Columbus Bar Association.