The Ohio Access to Justice Foundation’s directors serve from across the state and are committed to improving access to justice. Read more board member profiles.

What part of your professional background best informs your service on the Foundation’s board?

When I started my career, I worked for a very large Cleveland law firm. One of the best things about the firm was the opportunity to spend a month at the westside office of The Legal Aid Society of Cleveland. I was surprised by the immense need for legal services from people who could not afford to hire a lawyer. I was also impressed by the professionalism, intelligence, and commitment of the legal aid lawyers. Every day, they improved the lives of their clients for humble pay. My admiration for these lawyers has continued throughout my career, and I am very pleased to support them by serving on the board of the Ohio Access to Justice Foundation.

Is there a particular committee or project you’ve been involved with while serving on the Foundation’s board that has been particularly meaningful to you or that you’re particularly proud of?

My service on the Program Committee has been very meaningful, especially in relation to the Neighborhood Stabilization grants. I think we’ve worked well with the legal aids to expand our traditional conceptions of legal aid and to broaden our impact on poor communities.

What other access to justice initiatives are you excited about? 

The various initiatives to help Ohioans reinstate their suspended driver’s licenses have been exciting. We’ve helped many people through direct advice, education, and legislative action.