The Legal Services Corporation (LSC) was created to promote equal access to justice by providing funding assistance to civil legal aid programs that operate in every congressional district.

In Ohio, there are five LSC-funded civil legal aid organizations that annually help over 125,000 Ohioans address civil legal problems that stand in their way of living safe, stable, and healthy lives.

LSC funding provided nearly $15 million to Ohio’s legal aids in FY21. In 2020, Congressional funding included an additional $1.97 million for Ohio in supplemental funding to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Although LSC funding was increased to its current funding level—$465 million—last year, the pandemic has created greater need. 

Please reach out to your Congressperson to ask them to support a robust funding of $600 million for LSC in the FY22 budget, so legal aid can continue serving Ohioans struggling to make ends meet. 

In Ohio, the pandemic created a surge in need for legal assistance with cases related to housing stability and financial security as Ohioans and their families experience the strain of the pandemic. Funding LSC at $600 million will mean an additional $4.5 million for Ohio. 

Ohio’s LSC-Funded Legal Aids