It’s time again to report your pro bono hours and financial contributions to charitable legal organizations. If you haven’t already done so, please complete the Supreme Court of Ohio and the Ohio Access to Justice Foundation’s 2023 Pro Bono Survey.

Reporting your hours is critical to understanding pro bono needs. It also helps the Supreme Court and the Foundation recognize the value that Ohio’s attorneys create by providing pro bono legal services to persons of limited means. Please report your hours and encourage your colleagues to do so as well.

Ohio attorneys are generous. Each year, they contribute thousands of hours of pro bono service and substantial financial contributions to charitable legal organizations, all in the name of helping low-income Ohioans gain access to legal services.

The 2022 results from the Pro Bono Survey recorded a 24% increase in financial contributions over 2021, a testament to the private bar’s commitment to supporting nonprofit civil legal service providers.

“Year after year, Ohio attorneys are stepping up and giving their time, talent, and donations to help change lives,” said the Foundation’s Pro Bono Director Sophia Chang. “The survey is a crucial tool in helping to understand the pro bono landscape in Ohio, and we encourage all attorneys to participate.”

View the 2022 Pro Bono Survey results.