In 2023, the Foundation continued its work to increase access and services in Ohio’s civil justice system, grew funding and support for civil legal service providers, and increased collaboration with our partners. Here are a few highlights from the stories we brought you in 2023.
The year kicked off with the Foundation and CareSource teaming up to address social determinants of health. In the spring, the Foundation hosted Legal Aid Day at the Ohio Statehouse, bringing together staff and board members from Ohio’s legal aid organizations to meet with legislators to share legal aid’s essential work. At the event, the Foundation honored attorney Misty Connors with the Presidential Award and Sen. Matt Dolan with the Voice of Justice Award.
Over the summer, we brought you an update on the Foundation’s efforts to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion through Ohio’s civil justice system and a progress report on the Foundation’s statewide pro bono program to support the immigration legal needs of Afghan evacuees. Justice for All Summer Clerks convened at Barnes & Thornburg, and Foundation grantee Ohio Legal Help launched a new virtual self-help center with the Montgomery County Domestic Relations Court.
Throughout the year, Ohio’s legal aid organizations continued their outstanding work to help Ohioans live safer, more stable, and financially secure lives. Legal aid led projects to help Ohioans improve their employability through sealing and expunging records, help kids succeed in school, and assist veterans with access to services to address their legal issues.
We brought you an interview with Supreme Court of Ohio Chief Justice Sharon Kennedy on her work to help veterans. Justice leaders like legal aid’s Alexandria Ruden, Foundation DEI committee members Judge Carla Baldwin, Crystal Bryant, and Janet Green Marbley and Foundation board members Kim Shumate and Paula Boggs Muething worked tirelessly to advance a better Ohio.
We honored outstanding pro bono leaders, including Gerry Greene and Tom Cuni, who donated more individual pro bono hours than any other attorneys, and Rebecca Joseph, the Foundation’s fall New Admittee Pro Bono Challenge winner.
As 2023 draws to a close, the Foundation looks forward to the future. 2024 promises more innovation and collaboration towards advancing our mission of improving access to justice for all.
The Ohio Access to Justice Foundation is Ohio’s largest funder of civil legal services. A gift to the Foundation supports access to justice.